Hello KorVal!
I checked your gallery to try to answer you the best way possible. The first thing I noticed is that you had artwork uploaded from a year ago, which I guess means you must have tried to get commissions with and outdated artwork, is that right? From 11 days ago you started submitting art again, so I think that's a very good move.
Answering your question, and keeping in mind I'm an artist and I haven't commissioned anything here yet, the first thing I would check out is the art quality. I see a big improvement in your art since last year, but I wouldn't be sure about commissioning you because I can't see that many recent updates. So that would be a step back for me. Why? Because I'm still seeing more outdated and worse artwork than new and better illustrations. So I would wait for you to have more art ready to see how your style develops.
Another thing that I notice is that you're repeating the same position for different artworks. I see it with your recent Ochako's drawing and the "Death Stranding". I personally would just consider that the same artwork because you're not showing me new s****s, poses, characters or ideas.
Nami and Tsunade and Naruto are the two artworks I like the most in your gallery. With art like that with more polished lineart, I think you'll definitely be able to catch a commission soon. But that's just my personal opinion, go with what you like most because, in the end, you better have fun with what you're doing :)
Another thing to keep in mind is pricing. How much money are you asking for your art? Here in Whentai you have it very easy to know/guess what good pricing would be: Simply check what others are pricing and compare it with their art, as well as how many commissions they've already got in their hands. If you're not sure, try to "stalk" an artist similar to your Art style and s****s and go back to where they first started and check how much money they charged. That way you can have an idea of what will people accept for your commissions.
Another IMPORTANT thing I wanted to tell you: I'm not trying to make you feel bad AT ALL. In any way. I'm just trying to help you. I'm just saying this in case I ranted out too much and it seemed that way.
I hope this helps you a bit, KorVal.
Best of luck!
C. Donut.